Time Just For You

When you schedule an appointment with us, you become the VIP of the hour. Before you arrive, we’ve already discussed your previous treatment, and what we anticipate for the day. It’s your time—we do everything we can to make it personal and prompt, safe and comfortable.

So you see, schedules are important to us. Surprises, like cancellations, put a kink in running the practice smoothly. And if we can’t re-appoint for an hour convenient to our patients, everyone becomes a little grumpy.

When something comes up and you’re tempted to skip treatment for any reason, please call 48 hours in advance. We’ll work with you to settle on a time you can live with— and stick to.

Just let us know. 800-210-0630

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Leave your worries at the door and enjoy a healthier, more precise smile

From the moment you walk in until your care is complete, you will be treated with compassion and integrity.


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