Allergy Drugs

You know the drill. Come allergy season, you visit the doctor for this year’s prescription of antihistamines, or buy them over the counter. You take the pill, you feel better. How does the body process antihistamine most efficiently? And why should you give a hoot?

The fact is antihistamines (Benadryl, Nytol, Phenergan, Actifed and many others) work best in an acid environment. If your stomach is full of alkaline foods—milk, buttermilk, cream, almonds, vegetables and fruit— the urine loses its natural acidity and the antihistamine you’ve just ingested will lay about in your system longer than it should. A hazardous build-up can occur and bring on dizziness and lack of coordination. All nasty side effects are exaggerated.

When was the last time you were warned about buttermilk and antihistamines? Or fruit juice and penicillin? Chocolate and Alka-Seltzer? Some drugs need fat to slow down absorption; some drugs work best on an empty stomach.

In a perfect world, your doctor and your pharmacist have already told you what not to eat with certain drugs. Even so, always ask for more information about a prescription as it pertains to your diet and other drugs you are taking. Because you—yourself—are the last line of defense when it comes to your body.

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