Eat Yogurt—Probiotics Give Your Body Better Health

When we say yogurt we don’t mean the frozen kind you buy at the mall—we mean the real thing! Yogurt with probiotics is the real deal. It needs to contain: B. lactis, L. casei and L. acidophilus or what are known as live, active cultures.

  • B. lactis wards off allergies. So if you suffer from allergy attacks— yogurt is your friend.
  • L. casei helps keep colds at bay. This bacteria also protects against bad cells which promote virus in your body.
  • L. acidophilus keeps your pipes healthy. Probiotics helps lower gastrointestinal ailments.

This yummy stuff can also lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes by stabilizing blood glucose. Active cultures in yogurt were found to be by researchers in the UK to help improve insulin sensitivity. Just a half a cup a day may keep the doctor away. Eat up.

~Rodale Press

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